Left to Right: Diane Desenberg, Arlene Sweeting, Rhana
Bazzini, and Terry Scalzo, waiting to meet with
Representative Buchanan
Today Manasota Move To Amend members met with our Congressional Representative, Vern Buchanan. We asked Representative Buchanan to co-sponsor the
We The People Amendment (H.J. Res. 48). We explained that this Constitutional Amendment would clearly state that the rights protected by the Constitution are the rights of human beings only and that it is the purview of governments to regulate political campaign spending. After some discussion, we did find common ground. Congressman Buchanan told us that he is dismayed at the huge amounts of
dark money that can flow in support of a candidate during the last days or weeks leading up to an election with no disclosure requirements. He voiced a clear desire for transparency regarding campaign funding. Buchanan also expressed the notion that gargantuan spending on campaigns overwhelms the free speech of ordinary people. Given the Supreme Court's rulings on these issues, a Constitutional Amendment is needed to enable our lawmakers to address these problems. Toward that end, Manasota Move To Amend encourages Congressman Buchanan to co-sponsor the
We The People Amendment.