The following candidates supported amending the U.S. Constitution to make clear that corporations and other artificial entities do not have Constitutional rights and that money is not speech and campaign spending should be limited through regulation. If elected, they pledged to use their office to support the Movement to Amend the Constitution.
Neither Move to Amend nor its local affiliates support or endorse any candidates for office.

I have always led by example and currently I am not accepting PAC money, DARK money, and large checks & endorsements from special interest groups. Both of my opponents are doing so in this race and it really circumvents the process of government by the people. I will continue to lead by example.
What is Your Position on the
2010 Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision?
One of the worst blows to democracy in history. I feel it was the death knell for "We The People" and a huge victory for "We The Rich and Powerful."

I will strongly support existing charter provisions that limit campaign contributions to $200 for paid county offices and I will strongly advocate for Single Member Districts to allow grass roots candidates to compete without the need of corporate campaign contributions.
Ray Porter is running for Sarasota County's Charter Review Board, District 4. He responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where he stands on this important issue.
I will voice my strong concerns on this issue at public forums.
Cory Hutchinson is running for North Port City Commissioner, District 1. He responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where he stands on this important issue.
I believe that campaign finance needs to be fair, and that big corporations with foul intentions should not be allowed to donate to candidates. I will also support limiting the amount of donations candidates can receive. For example, I would support capping donation limits at $250 per donation, rather than $1000 that is currently allowed in North Port.
Tom Patalano is running for Sarasota County's Charter Review Board, District 3. He responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where he stands on this important issue.
I will promote & encourage amendments to overturn regarding Citizen's United rulings.
Frank Alcock is running for the Florida State Senate, District 23. He responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where he stands on this important issue.
I will work to use my influence in the legislature, through the Florida State Constitution (Revision Commission; Citizens Initiative) to reform our campaign finance system.
Arlene Sweeting is running for Sarasota County's Charter Review Board, District 1. She responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where she stands on this important issue.
What is Your Position on the 2010 Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision?
It has made our democracy "For sale to the highest bidder"; it must be reversed, but we must also address the issue of corporate personhood.
James Golden is running for Florida Representative, District 73. He responded to the Move To Amend Questionnaire, so that voters would know where he stands on this important issue.
I will support any and all efforts to amend the U.S. Constitution to prevent the continuing appropriation, perversion, and manipulation of our political system by the undue influence of corporate money.